TRAP is a 2024 psychological thriller written, directed, and produced by M. Night Shyamalan. The film follows Cooper, a serial killer in plain sight, and his daughter, Riley, who attend a Lady Raven pop concert. When they arrive at the concert, Cooper notices something is off. He discovers that the whole concert is a trap for the local serial killer titled “The Butcher,” who is none other than himself. For the remainder of the concert, Cooper has to find a way to escape without being caught by the FBI or raising suspicions of his daughter.
Although the idea behind the movie is intriguing, I have a few critiques. Ironically enough, my friends and I were questioning Saleka Shyamalan’s performance of Lady Raven, only to find out that the actor is the director’s daughter. You can determine for yourself whether or not you think this role was filled because of nepotism or not, but there were definitely some times when her acting seemed insincere. I also felt as if the conclusion seemed to be drawn out, but the film ends in a cliffhanger, leaving you to anticipate a sequel.