The Getaway List, by Emma Lord, follows Riley and Tom, two childhood best friends who just graduated high school. Right before high school, Tom moved to New York–and the two haven’t really seen each other since. But it’s summer now, and Riley and Tom have some unfinished business to do before they go off with their lives. Enter the Getaway List: a bucket list of all of the things they want to do together.
I really thought I was going to love this book, but for me it kind of fell flat. I read another book by Emma Lord almost four years ago, Tweet Cute, and loved it. But I didn’t realize the author was the same one and while I was reading, it felt like I had read this book before.
Aside from that, the characters felt a tad bit one dimensional, and I did get bored throughout the book. It was definitely not the worst romance book I’ve ever read, but it was not a favorite, either. I would recommend it for anyone who wants a light, teenage romance book with issues that are not super serious.
Please join us in reading this book before our August book club meeting so we can hear your thoughts! Snacks will be provided, and the date is soon to be announced!